
Integument Beauty

in·teg·u·ment | \ inˈteɡyəmənt \

the outer protective covering such as the skin of an organism.

beau·ty | \ ˈbyü-tē \

the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.

Darlene Joy that goes by Deja started out as a skin care enthusiast for almost ten years then her passion has shifted to cosmetic science where she makes her own prototypes. She decided to change her career to become a skin therapist as she wants to help clients to understand the science of skincare and how they actually work with cosmetic ingredients and treatments for the skin. Deja firmly believes in scientific findings and legitimate research on cosmetic science. There’s so much misinformation about skincare especially on the internet and they often use it to perpetuate fear, rather than facts, about cosmetic science. Deja works hard to provide scientific facts and aims to end the stigma against cosmetic science.

Deja is specialized in microcurrent, chemical peels, and repairing the compromised barrier of the skin. She plans to expand her services for bodywork treatment as Deja will go back to school for massage therapy in January 2019. She wants to start her own skincare line. Hopefully, it will be available in late 2019!